Stepping off the Bridge

Finding my souls voice was not too hard.  Living my souls voice was.

Ive always had inclinations and intuitions of life directions not valued in the “sane” world.  Interests in Tarot, spirits, UFO’s, and reincarnation to name a short list of the subjects Ive spent years learning about.

Telling myself my fascinations are a hobby to deter shame and self doubt from the forefront was one way to continue my interests and slowly let myself out of the box, sharing with others.  Since these are subjects not valued with educational degrees or certifications.  How does one take themselves seriously when the dreaded taboo of legitimacy hangs over matters so unique and mysterious?  Well, for those of us lucky enough to want to know all that is considered unknowing, step off that bridge and forward on through realms, not proven but experienced.  Breath in the hints and clues you are given along your road.  Validate surprising incidents.

At some point you either go on as you always have or you trust your developed senses and knowledge accrued. The negativity of your environment no longer weighs more than your self belief. Express and share who you are with no apology.

Stepping off the bridge and implementing such visions for oneself is the difficult part.  But once you find that courage to no longer care about the thoughts of others over what you want for you, whirls of giddiness will outweigh the chains.

Trust yourself.

Free yourself.

Step off the bridge.


Acrylic Vs. Oil, Oil Vs. Acrylic